New blog, who dis?
I like to blog every once in a while. But if you have ever seen my previous blogs, you can see that the time between these blogs are about 1 year…
Reason for this is that many ways of blogging are just messy. When I feel like it, I just want to be able to open up a page, write down my ideas and publish them (or save them for later if I want).
Before this, I used a Laravel based blogging system. Now, I have no issue with Laravel, and I MADE the decision to use Laravel last time, you know, just in case I wanted to modify something.
Reality is, that 99% of the time, as a programmer you should not be thinking ahead of time to much. So yes, bad decision that made it too difficult for me and the reason I endeded up not writing anything at all.
So this time, I used jekyll to setup my blog, and hopefully for the last time.
Why jekyll? It seemed straigforward enough to not be a burden.
- Pages are written in markdown.
- It’s a single gem install and a single code repository.
- Feels well established and is proposed by Github.
- Works with GitHub pages.
- Allows for code snippets and images.
In addition to that, I decided to setup a new (domain)name that will be used for me to create content.
Hopefully with this new setup I will be able to dive into writing much faster as I can simply open my blog directory, boot vim, and start writing.
Now, what content will you be finding here?
In addition to my day to day findings and views on programming, mainly with PHP, I will share my experimentation with other languages such as C, C++, Rust and maybe others.
There will also a series about PHP performance where I want to take existing snippets or code and see what the effect of PHP code is on the CPU and Memory, and how this can be improved.